Exciting future for local libraries as council partners with Myli

Cardinia Shire Council will partner with My Community Library (Myli) for the delivery of its community library services.

“This is a very exciting announcement for our community and our library services – the Pakenham Library, the Emerald Library, and the Cardinia Mobile Library,” said Shire Mayor, Cr Jeff Springfield.

“Myli is recognised as a leader in the library sector right across the state – and they deliver innovative, specialist library services for local communities – including Baw Baw Shire, Bass Coast Shire and South Gippsland Shire.

“Myli was the first Library Corporation in Victoria to become a not-for-profit organisation – a change which was prompted by the new Local Government Act– and the first in Victoria to launch a 24/7 library service.

“Myli offers exciting programs and innovative services and we’re keen to explore with our community how we can continue to improve and broaden our library services, programs and how they contribute in a positive way to our community’s lives.

Cr Springfield said Cardinia’s library members will continue to experience all they know and love about our Cardinia libraries.

“The Pakenham, Emerald and Mobile library continue to be open with a full service offering.  Thanks to all our library members and the staff of Casey Cardinia Libraries for their love and commitment to local library services over the years,” he said.

Annemarie McCabe, Board Chair, Myli – My Community Library Ltd, said:

“We're very excited Cardinia is joining and partnering Myli - My Community Library, a not-for-profit and charity to share in the benefits of a sustainable, long-term future together with Bass Coast, Baw Baw, and South Gippsland Shires.

“Myli is committed to delivering a local specialist library service to our communities so that they are supported to grow and thrive.”

Cardinia’s library services will begin to transition from December.

The good news is both Library Services are part of Libraries Victoria so whether you remain a Casey Cardinia Library Member or become a Myli Member, you will continue to have access to the same great resources and services and you can use your Membership Card at both services.

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