Koo Wee Rup cricket, football and netball pavilions officially open

Cardinia Shire Council officially opened the Koo Wee Rup cricket, football, and netball pavilions last night.

The two new pavilions, located at Koo Wee Rup Recreation Reserve (30 Denhams Road), will be utilised for football, cricket, and netball. 

The football/cricket pavilion was jointly funded by Council, the Australian Government and Victorian Government, while the netball pavilion was funded by Council and the Victorian Government. 

Cardinia Shire Council contributed just over $1.8 million to the project while the Australian Government also provided just over $1.2 million as part of the Building Better Regions Fund.  

The Victoria Government committed $800,000 to the project as part of Sport and Recreation Victoria’s Community Infrastructure Fund. 

Cardinia Shire Mayor Councillor Jeff Springfield officially opened the new pavilions at the Koo Wee Rup Reserve with Federal Member for La Trobe, the Honourable Jason Wood MP and State Member for Bass Jordan Crugnale MP. 

“These upgrades are not only welcome news for the Koo Wee Rup Football, Cricket and Netball clubs but also the Koo Wee Rup horse riding club who will be able to utilise the external public toilet,” Cr Springfield said. 

“These pavilions are universally accessible and will meet the needs of all genders, ages and abilities. 

“This is a great improvement to this sporting precinct.” 

The new cricket and football pavilion includes player and umpire change rooms/amenities, a first aid room, a gym, meeting and community rooms, public toilets, and a spectator cover area. 

The new netball pavilion features home and away change rooms, umpires changerooms, a canteen, social room and office, storage, first aid, and accessible/unisex public toilets. 

The project also included a power and sewer upgrade to the reserve. 

Federal Member for La Trobe, the Honourable Jason Wood MP said he was pleased to attend the official opening event. 

“I’m so proud to have been able to deliver just over $1.2 million in Federal Government funds for our community. Koo Wee Rup is a growing part of La Trobe and needs facilities that are built for to withstand the future growth of our sport loving community. 

“I’m especially proud that the new facilities provide a more inclusive club for women and girls. And I will continue to fight to secure further funding for more upgrades just like this one right across the electorate of La Trobe.” 

State Member for Bass Jordan Crugnale MP also attended the opening event. 

“This is another wonderful example of what can be achieved when the three levels of government work together for the betterment of the community. It’s been a massive project that will ensure these fantastic community sports groups are given the facilities they deserve! The two new pavilions, with the myriad of facilities they include, are an absolute game changer for the Koo Wee Rup Football, Cricket and Netball clubs and the wider community will also benefit from the upgraded amenities.”

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