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The Our Sporting Future Grant Program aims to assist community organisations with the implementation of small to medium sized development projects and programs across Greater Shepparton. The funding was awarded to eight local sporting clubs under the three different categories of Minors, Junior and Youth Participation, and Sports Aid.

The types of projects which can be funded through the program include sports surface development, lighting upgrades, pavilion upgrades, disability access and participation projects. In previous years the program has helped fund projects such as a Strategic Plan for the Shepparton Table Tennis Association and the purchase of equipment for the Shepp Feathers Inc. Badminton Club.

Mayor, Councillor Shane Sali said Council were pleased to award such a large amount of funding to local sporting clubs to encourage participation in sport and ensure people had access to well-maintained facilities and good sporting gear.

“Council understand the benefits of enabling participation in local sport. It helps build social skills, teaches discipline and encourages people young and old to get outside and lead fit and healthy lifestyles,” he said.

“We are really pleased to be able to award this money to eight local sporting clubs and organisations to help them better support and train members. Anything Council can do to encourage healthy lifestyles and promote positive participation in sport is a win.”

Our Sporting Future Funding Program

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