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The Heritage Advisory Committee advises Council on cultural heritage matters across the region. The primary purpose is to provide the best possible advice to Council on the best methods to conserve and promote this unique cultural heritage.

The Committee has representatives from ten member organisations and Council. It also has between two and six community representative positions for members of the community who are unaffiliated with the historical groups or societies nominated to the Committee. The community representative positions are voting members of the Committee.

Community representative positions are generally appointed for a two year term however, owing to a number of current vacancies, Council is inviting nominations for the remainder of the existing community representative terms, which will finish in September 2023. Those with an interest in heritage issues in Greater Shepparton are encouraged to apply.

“Council works closely alongside the Heritage Advisory Committee covering several important areas for the region. Committee members have an important role to play in providing advice, ensuring community participation, investigating funding opportunities and providing advocacy,” Mayor, Councillor Shane Sali said.

“I encourage anyone with an interest in our region’s cultural heritage to put their hand up for the Committee.”

Committee meetings are held on a monthly basis (the first Monday of every month) or at other times as determined necessary by the Committee. These appointments will commence in February 2023 and end in September 2023.

Nominations close at 5pm on Monday 28 November 2022. Nomination forms can be lodged electronically or by hard copy and are available on Council’s website or in the foyer of Greater Shepparton City Council’s offices at 90 Welsford Street, Shepparton.

For more information or to register your interest in joining the Committee, please contact Melanie Squires, Senior Strategic Planner, via phone on (03) 5832 9700.

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