Published on 25 November 2022
Bike, skateboard and scooter enthusiasts would benefit from a significant revamp of the existing Gisborne Skate Park under a draft concept plan now open for feedback.
Informed by community feedback, the proposed Gisborne Skate Park upgrade has been designed by experienced local skate park designers Baseplate and EastbyWest.
Improvements identified include expanding the skate park to the south, developing a formalised pump track, shelters, seating, bins, and access to drinking water.
It would also include an accessible ramp, improved drainage and repairs to existing chips and cracks.
Council’s Director Assets and Operations, Shane Walden, encouraged regular skate park users and the broader community to have their say on the draft plan.
“From our previous consultation with users and the local community, we know the current facility could cater better to various skill levels and different user groups. The proposed plans identify ways to improve that,” he said.
“The plans also focus on upgrades that complement the existing infrastructure and use the space available to the south of the park.”
A drop-in session will be held at the Gisborne Skate Park, 2 Hamilton St, on Saturday 3 December from 10-11am for the community to view the plans and provide feedback.
The draft plan can also be viewed at Council’s customer service centres in Gisborne, Kyneton, Romsey and Woodend.
Submissions close Friday 16 December 2022.
Following consultation, the draft plan and feedback received will be presented to Council for consideration and future identification of funding opportunities.