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A total of $2,049,378.43 was awarded to Mawson Constructions Pty Ltd for the construction of a signalised intersection upgrade and improvement works at Andrew Fairley Avenue, Lockwood Road and Old Dookie Road. The upgrade will involve removal of the existing roundabout, replacing it with a signalised traffic intersection to improve the flow of traffic in the area.

The second contract, of $1,054,905.03, was awarded to Apex Earthworks for the construction of a left turn slip lane from Florence Street onto Benalla Road. With continued development occurring in the area, Council recognised the layout of the current intersection no longer had the capacity to provide for sufficient traffic flow.

This new slip lane will allow for better vehicle movement onto Benalla Road, easing the congestion at the intersection. The project is 50/50 jointly funded by Council and the Federal Government’s Heavy Vehicle Safety and Productivity Program.

The timeframe for both works are yet to be determined.

Mayor, Councillor Shane Sali, said it was always pleasing to award contracts to local companies, especially ones for major road upgrades.

“We are excited to see both of these projects get underway. Both contracts are for important upgrade works which will help improve the flow of traffic at these major intersections,” he said.

“Council will continue to keep the community informed on the progress of these works to help minimise any disruption to motorists.

“A big congratulations to Mawson Constructions and Apex Earthworks on their successful tenders.”

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