Halve Waste Cloth Nappy and Reusable Menstrual Product Rebates go live
Alpine Shire 9 Jan 2023

Residents living in the Halve Waste Council areas, including the Alpine Shire, are eligible for this rebate.

Cloth Nappies

There are a range of environmental, financial and health benefits associated with using reusable nappies.

On average, a child will use 6000 disposable nappies before they are toilet trained. Babies require around 500 nappy changes just in their first 6 weeks of life. 5.6 million disposable nappies* are used each day in Australia. This adds up to more than 2 billion nappies per year. (*2009 IBIS World Australia report).

To find out more or to submit your rebate request, head to https://halvewaste.com.au/cloth-nappies-vs-disposable-nappies/

Reusable Menstrual Products

In Australia alone, that’s 18,000 tonnes of sanitary waste going to landfill every year. Switching to reusables is a striking example of how seemingly small personal choices can have a tremendous positive impact on our environment.

To find out more or to submit your rebate request, head to https://halvewaste.com.au/reusable-menstrual-products/

Reusable menstrual products and cloth nappies purchased after July 1 2022 are eligible for a rebate of half the purchase cost up to $100 dollars (spend $100 receive $50 rebate). Proof of purchase is required. 

Applications will be accepted from January 1 2023 until funds are exhausted. The rebate will be paid as an electronic gift card so please be sure to submit your correct email address and mobile phone number.