Wrap of the January 2023 Meeting

Published on 25 January 2023

Code Of Conduct concerns

Mayor Tom Kennedy tabled a Mayoral Minute requesting that correspondence be sent to Minister Wendy Tuckerman, Shadow Minister for Local Government Greg Warren, Minister Dugald Saunders, and MP Roy Butler reiterating Council’s concerns about the Model Code of Conduct. Mr Kennedy said Code Of Conduct complaints for frivolous matters cost the community money through expensive investigation processes.

Call for clear water

A Mayoral Minute was supported requesting correspondence be sent to Roy Butler MP and the appropriate Minister outlining concerns about the quality of the City’s water supply after it became discoloured. The decision not to use cleaner water from Stephens Creek reservoir to supply the city’s water needs was also questioned.

Big donation from Walk Tour volunteers

Mayor Tom Kennedy used January's Council Meeting to publicly thank all Heritage Walk Tour volunteers after the group made a $20,000 donation to worthwhile causes. The group made $4,000 donations to the Far West Local Health Service Palliative Care Unit, Silverlea Early Childhood Services, Lifeline's Bishop Fox Memorial Meal Centre, RSPCA, and the RFDS Women's Auxiliary.