2023 Community Satisfaction Survey starts soon

Published on 24 January 2023

Households across Corangamite Shire might get an important phone call in the next few weeks.

An independent market research agency is looking for residents’ input on a range of service areas as part of the 2023 Community Satisfaction Survey.

Mayor Ruth Gstrein said market researchers would call households across the Shire from 30 January until the end of March.

“This survey is a really important way for Council to understand the views of residents on the services provided,” Cr Gstrein said.

“Each year it tells us what we are doing well and where we can improve our performance.”

Cr Gstrein encouraged people to reflect on how they had dealt with Council over the past 12 months so they could give detailed answers if they were contacted.

“If you can think of a way Council has met your needs, or a way to improve, your feedback can benefit everyone in a similar position,” the Mayor said.

“Participants’ details and individual responses will be kept confidential and only the overall results are shared with Council.

“We appreciate residents taking the time to help us by giving their feedback.”

National Field Services will call residents at random. Details and individual responses are confidential and only the overall results will be shared with Council.

The survey will involve 400 interviews with a representative sample of residents of all ages and backgrounds. The results will then be analysed by JWS Research.

The survey will address a number of the 59 mandatory performance indicators under the Local Government Performance Reporting Framework (LGPRF), which will be included in Council’s annual report.

Results are expected by the middle of the year and will rate Council in comparison to similar sized Councils and the state average.

For more information, call Council on 5593 7100.