Expressions of interest open to help finance Hobart’s growing future
Hobart City Council 4 Feb 2023
Expressions of interest open to help finance Hobart’s growing future

Published on 04 February 2023

The City of Hobart is calling for people to have a say and help inform one of the most fundamental policies of local government – rates.

The City is reviewing its rating and valuation strategy and is seeking to engage with the community given any changes to the strategy will impact all ratepayers in the municipal area.

This potentially means impacts on all property owners including residential homeowners, commercial property owners and vacant landowners.

While community engagement will occur through several stages and opportunities, the City is currently seeking nominations for a Community Advisory Group to support Council’s decision making during the strategy review.

Hobart Lord Mayor Anna Reynolds said rates produce 65 per cent of the City of Hobart’s income from 25,041 ratepayers.

Overall local government rates make up just 3.4 per cent of taxes raised by all levels of government and was the only tax levied by local governments.

“Rates is one of the most misunderstood and complex areas of local government, but is of vital importance,” Cr Reynolds said.

“They supply the revenue for us to provide the basic services and resources as well as the events and festivals that make Hobart such a great city.”

Cr Reynolds said now was a chance for members of the community to get involved.

“As part of this group, you will have input into the distribution of rates across different types of ratepayer and models for raising funds and capturing growth for delivering future programs and infrastructure,” she said.

“This will enable the city to continue with recycling, waste collection and road maintenance but also the creation and upkeep of playgrounds, parks and the Doone Kennedy Hobart Aquatic Centre.”

The group is a representative group of community members, business owners and representative organisations that will consider and provide feedback on rating principles and valuation decisions to support Council’s review of its strategy.

The group will be made up of:

• Six City of Hobart ratepaying representatives of all land use types including residential homeowners, commercial property owners and vacant landowners.

• Three Elected Members; and

• An independent chairperson to facilitate the group meetings.

Nominations are also encouraged from various representative organisations such as business and property groups, seniors, environmental groups, community-based groups, tourism providers, charitable and not-for-profit groups.

The group will be supported by Council staff, who will attend meetings to provide technical input and administrative support.

It is expected that the group will be formed by March and will meet monthly until June 2024 unless extended by Council.

To apply please complete the application form online from the City’s website at or print and send by the closing date, via:

Email: [email protected]

Mail: Attention Chief Executive Officer, Hobart City Council, GPO Box 503, Hobart TAS 7001.

Marked “Expression of Interest - Rating and Valuation Strategy Community Advisory Group”.

Applications close at 5pm on Friday, 24 February 2023.

For more information please contact:

Lara MacDonell

Manager Rates, Procurement and Risk

Tel: (03) 6238 2422

Email: [email protected].