Drainage Upgrade – Devenish Drive, Sorell
Sorell Council 17 Feb 2023

Posted on 17 February 2023

We have commenced drainage works between the previously constructed concrete open channel adjacent to Cole Street, through the disused rail corridor beyond Devenish Drive. These upgrade works were identified in the Sorell Stormwater Management Plan 2022 as a high priority risk mitigation measure and Council were successful in securing a significant grant through the National Flood Mitigation Infrastructure Program 2021-2022.

The works are to construct a new grass lined swale, the full length of the disused railway corridor, including stormwater infrastructure under Devenish Drive (reinforced box culvert) and continue to connect into an existing stormwater system to the north.

We recognise that this corridor is a significant connector used for recreation by the community, therefore the addition of a designated shared pathway is also being included in the project.

To confirm the extent of works required, we engaged an engineering consultant and their site plan is attached for your reference.

The Tender for the drainage upgrade works has been awarded to RCCC Civil Contracting. The area will be a construction site and will not be accessible to the community during the works. The works are not expected to directly affect private property, with the exception that during these activities there may be some short term disruptions or restrictions to property access.

We appreciate your patience whilst these important works are carried out.

Please see the Site Plan for the project here – Devenish Drive Drainage Works Project.

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