Residents encouraged to give feedback on electoral review

Published on 22 March 2023

Mayor Ruth Gstrein has called the second special Council Meeting of the year to weigh up options under the Corangamite Shire electoral review.

An independent panel appointed by the Minister for Local Government has been reviewing the Shire’s electoral structure to bring it in line with the Local Government Act 2020. The Act does not allow the current mixed system of multi-member and single-member wards.

It looked at:

whether the council had an appropriate number of councillors whether it should be unsubdivided or subdivided.

The preliminary report released this week (Wednesday 22 March) presents three electoral structure models for further public consultation:

Unsubdivided with seven councillors Four wards with two councillors each Seven wards with one councillor each

The Electoral Representation Advisory Panel is seeking response submissions until 5 pm, Wednesday 12 April 2023.

Cr Gstrein said the statewide trend for unsubdivided municipalities did not reflect the wishes and needs of many Corangamite residents.

“Council put in a submission strongly advocating to keep a ward-based structure,” Cr Gstrein said.

“In addition there were 20 submissions from community members which was a great example of residents taking part in the democratic process.”

Encouraged community members to continue to be actively involved

Cr Gstrein said it was a complex matter with pros and cons to each of the proposed models.

“In one, North Ward gets substantially bigger but would have a second councillor who residents could access.

“In another, an even number of Councillors raises the possibilities of deadlocks on some issues and the mayor having cast a deciding vote, which is not ideal.

“There’s also the question of Terang, Noorat and Glenormiston falling in different wards when shared interests could be served better by being in the same Ward.

“Council will meet to discuss the relative merits and drawbacks and decide which model to advocate for.”

The meeting will be in Camperdown from at 5:30 pm on Tuesday 11 April. The venue is yet to be confirmed but will be published in advance on Council’s Facebook page. It will be open to the public, as are all Council meetings.

Cr Gstrein encouraged community members to continue to be actively involved.

“Please take the time to look at the proposals on the Victorian Electoral Commission website and make a submission. If you care about the ward system and having your own local Councillor then it is important that you express that to the panel.”

Submissions should address the options presented in the preliminary report. People interested in making a response submission can use the public submission tool or view other submission options at

If people ask to speak in support of their response submission, an online public hearing will be held at 2 pm, Tuesday 18 April.

The panel will make a final recommendation to the Minister for Local Government by Wednesday 17 May.

If the Minister accepts it, the new structure will apply at the October 2024 local council elections.

To find out more, go to or call 131 832.