Dimbulah Water Supply Interruption – 10/5 to 16/5/2023
Mareeba Shire Council 20 Apr 2023

Sunwater has notified Council of a planned service interruption to undertake critical maintenance on the South Walsh Main which supplies the Dimbulah Water Treatment Plant.

Council is working closely with Sunwater to minimise any adverse effects on our residents and the wider community during this time, however, residents are requested to limit their water consumption to HOUSEHOLD USE ONLY from 6:00am Wednesday 10 May 2023 to 11:00pm Tuesday 16 May 2023.

The service interruption will coincide with the Great Wheelbarrow Race, and Council is looking at historical data to ensure that the water demand over the weekend will be met.

Please refrain from watering lawns and gardens, hosing paved areas or washing vehicles. Of course, this does not apply to emergencies such as fires, accidents, or other health hazards. Owners are required to advise their lessees of the shutdown details.

If you are unsure whether the interruption affects you, please phone Sunwater Customer Support on 13 15 89.