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Running for more than 27 years, Sustainability Victoria’s Detox your Home events are a free and convenient service for Greater Shepparton residents to safely dispose of unwanted household chemicals. Common products such as weedkiller, pesticides, cleaning chemicals, cosmetics and cooking oil are all materials harmful to the environment and should not be placed in kerbside bins or poured down sinks.

Greater Shepparton City Council Acting Director Infrastructure Kelli Halden said “pouring household chemicals down the drain or placing them in the bin pollutes our waterways, harms animals and vegetation, contaminates our water supply and makes rivers unsafe.”

“Detox your Home events are now drive-through and contactless whilst walk-ins are not accepted per the COVIDSafe plan. Registrations are essential for Detox your Home. We look forward to residents booking online and assisting with the safe disposal of chemicals” said Ms Halden.

Each Detox your Home event collects around 4 tonnes of hazardous chemicals, keeping them out of landfill and waterways and making homes safer.

Common chemicals collected at Detox your Home events include:

Fuels and flammable liquids – turpentine, methylated spirits, petrol, kerosene, diesel, paint thinners Garden – herbicides, pesticides, fertilizers, pool chemicals, poisons Household – cleaners, bleach, ammonia, oven cleaner, solvents, cooking oil, cosmetics, fire extinguishers Car – wax, transmission fluid, body filler, brake fluid.

Detox your Home events are staffed by expert chemists who identify and sort the chemicals for safe transport back to a licenced facility in Melbourne where they are processed for reuse or safe disposal. Chemicals collected are processed and recovered or recycled wherever possible. If they cannot be reused in any way, they are appropriately disposed of.

Register for the upcoming Detox your Home municipality event at Sustainability Victoria’s website: www.sustainability.vic.gov.au/detoxyourhome 

Event details

Saturday 6 May, 2023

9.00am to 12.00pm

Shepparton Resource Recovery Centre Wanganui Road, Shepparton

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