New Sustainable Hepburn eNews
Hepburn Shire Council 10 May 2023

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Please note our offices and libraries will be closed on Monday 12 June. Bin collections will not be impacted by the public holiday. Visitor Information Centres and Transfer Stations in Daylesford and Creswick will open as usual. For Council-related animal emergencies on the public holiday phone 0419 587 955. For other Council-related emergencies phone 0419 583 573.

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New Sustainable Hepburn eNews

Published on 10 May 2023

Hepburn Shire Council has launched a new quarterly Sustainable Hepburn electronic newsletter to keep the community and stakeholders up to date with progress on the Sustainable Hepburn Strategy. 

Sustainable Hepburn was co-designed with the community in 2022 and is Council's updated commitment to environmental sustainability. It acknowledges the interconnected relationship between many facets of environmental sustainability and includes four key themes:

Beyond zero emissions Natural environment and biodiversity Low waste Climate resilience.

Mayor, Cr Brian Hood, said that the first edition of the quarterly e-news update went live late last week.

“During the Hepburn Together project and the development of the Council Plan in 2020/21, we heard loud and clear from our community that environmental sustainability is a key priority for our community,” said Cr Hood.

“I encourage community members and stakeholders with an interest in, or passion for, the environment and sustainability to subscribe to this informative newsletter,” he said.

“You will be able to see how we are working towards each of the four focus areas in the strategy with the icons attached to every story.”

Read the first edition or sign up to receive it straight to your inbox at

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