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Consultation on the Draft Budget closes at 5pm this Thursday 18 May 2023, with community members able to view the document on Council’s website and provide their submissions.

The Budget sets where Council will allocate funding for the provision of capital works and delivery of services for the next financial year. Feedback on the Draft Budget is encouraged and welcomed, with the community able to influence the allocation of funds for future years by making a submission on what services, programs and facilities they would like to see funded.

Late last year, Council consulted with the community to better understand what they would like to see funded in the upcoming budget. The submissions received supported the prioritisation of capital funding towards the Lenne Street Flood Investigation and Design and the Margaret Street Pump Station. As a result, $2.97 million of renewal and upgrade works on drainage were included in the 2023/2024 Draft Budget.

During this pre-draft consultation, Council also received several community submissions requesting funding be directed to the region’s small towns. More than $9 million in specific projects for our small towns, including items within the maintenance and renewal program, are contained within the 2023/2024 Draft Budget.

Mayor, Councillor Shane Sali, said these were just some examples of how important community feedback was.

“I encourage everyone to have a read of the 2023/2024 Draft Budget and provide their feedback. Council value the ideas and suggestions of residents, especially in regards to the budget, as this document affects the entire municipality,” he said.

Community submissions are open until 5pm Thursday 18 May 2023. Submissions can be made:

In writing to Locked Bag 1000, Shepparton, 3631. All submissions must include contact details of the submitter to allow Council to respond. Online via Council’s Shaping Greater Shepp website, at greatershepparton.com.au   Or, by contacting Council at [email protected] or at 90 Welsford Street, Shepparton to discuss other options

The public submissions received will be heard and considered by Council at a Special Council Meeting to be scheduled at a later date. For further information, contact Council on (03) 5832 9700. To obtain a copy of the 2023/2024 Draft Budget, visit Shaping Greater Shepparton

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