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Residents are reminded to adhere to the 40km school zone speed limits around the region, with these in place from 8.00am until 9.30am and then 2.30pm to 4.00pm on weekdays.

Council’s Director Community Louise Mitchell said there were several busy school crossings around the region, and Council were reminding motorists to take care when travelling through these areas. 

“Motorists need to be aware of the school zones, slow down and take notice of school crossing supervisors. We have witnessed several recent incidents of poor driving behaviour at school crossing intersections and Council is working to ensure the safety of pedestrians and motorists is maintained,” she said.

“With increased traffic during school drop-off and pick-up times, we are urging motorists to be aware of this and allow enough time to get to their destination when travelling through these areas. “Council has School Crossing Supervisors who are in place to ensure parents and children can cross safely to attend nearby schools. Motorists are reminded to please be mindful of pedestrians and other road users.”

The reminder comes ahead of National Walk Safely to School Day which is on this Friday 19 May 2023. The national day encourages all primary school children, their parents and carers to walk safely and regularly to school, with the day promoting better health, road safety, public transport and the environment.

Ms Mitchell said Council were looking forward to students and their parents getting involved in National Walk Safely to School Day, reminding motorists there may be more pedestrians out during school drop-off and pick-up times.

“We hope to see parents and children put on their walking shoes and get involved in National Walk Safely to School Day this Friday. Anything that encourages healthy habits while promoting safety for pedestrians and motorists is a worthwhile cause,” she said.

Motorists are reminded to follow traffic signals in place when travelling through school zones and remain patient during peak times. Council thanks residents for their cooperation and for doing their part to keep our kids, families, and staff safe at school crossings.

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