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Delivered under the Primary Producer Flood Recovery Package as part of a suite of financial support valued at over $300 million, the support package is jointly funded by the Australian and Victorian Governments through the Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements.

Eligible primary producers now have until 4pm local time on Thursday 13 July to apply for the:

Primary Producer Flood Recovery Grant (up to $75,000); Rural Landholder Grant (up to $25,000); Flood Recovery Transport Support Program (up to $15,000); and Primary Producer Flood Recovery Concessional Loan (up to $250,000).

Federal Minister for Emergency Management, Murray Watt said the extension would help ensure farm businesses and communities were supported in the clean-up and recovery.

“Last year’s disaster caused significant damage and disruption to communities across Victoria, through flash flooding, landslips, road damage and closures and impacts from fallen trees,” Minister Watt said.

“We know that for farmers especially, cleaning-up, managing disease and pests, and the shortage of contractors are serious challenges which may have impacted their ability to consider financial assistance.

“By extending the date for applications, we’re making sure farmers who were affected later have time to assess damages and complete their applications for financial support.”

Victorian Minister for Agriculture, the Hon Gayle Tierney MP, said the extension of time for the submission of applications would help relieve some of the workload farmers were dealing with.

“By extending the date of our flood recovery support, we’re making sure farmers who were affected later have more time to assess damages and complete their applications for financial assistance.”

“The Primary Producer Flood Recovery Package will be essential in helping farmers get their businesses back on track and thriving once again,” Minister Tierney said.

For more information on the range of financial support measures available for the 6 October 2022 to 13 January 2023 floods and storms, visit Rural Finance at www.ruralfinance.com.au or call 1800 260 425.

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