News from tonight’s council meeting
Hobart City Council 22 May 2023
News from tonight’s council meeting

Published on 22 May 2023

Salamanca Market – Site Fees and Licence Agreement

The Hobart City Council has endorsed a new licence agreement between the City of Hobart and Salamanca Market stallholders that will secure the future of Tasmania’s No.1 tourist attraction for the next five years.

The Council has reached an agreement which will see an annual CPI increases for stall fees for the life of the agreement, capped at 10%.

In addition, an amendment was passed to supply a Salamanca Market Annual Revenue and Expenditure Statement.

The City of Hobart would sincerely like to thank the stallholders for their valuable feedback throughout this five yearly process and looks forward to continuing to work together on enhancing this iconic institution for many years to come.

Inner North East Structure Plan Update

The Hobart City Council has approved developing an Inner North East Structure Plan, that also includes development at Macquarie Point and the wider area including The Port, City Hall and Wapping. 

An amendment was included that nothing in the Inner North East Structure Plan would assume council support or opposition for a stadium at Macquarie Point.

The structure plan is the blueprint for development, investment and infrastructure over the next 20 years. 

It will include recommendations for policies, development controls and projects to guide planning and sustainable growth. 

As a key stakeholder, the City of Hobart will play a key role in the area’s development, as publicly outlined by the Australian Government recently, alongside the Returned Services League, Regatta Point Association, and the local Aboriginal community. 

It will be important for the City to advocate for ongoing engagement with these key stakeholders and with the community on the Macquarie Point Masterplan. 

UNESCO City of Literature Nomination

The City of Hobart has endorsed and will proceed to submit a nomination to the UNESCO Creative Cities Program nominating to become a City of Literature on behalf of the Project Working Group.

The City of Literature Project Working Group membership is comprised of people from TAS Writers, Libraries Tasmania, UTAS, Brand Tasmania, and other community groups and small businesses. 

The Project Working Group has been meeting regularly and hosted by the Lord Mayor, Councillor Anna Reynolds.

It was agreed that a funding contribution may be considered for a City of Literature secretariat.

Should our nomination be successful, funding will be subject to a further report to Council at a later date.

Importantly, with this commitment and investment comes national and international recognition of Hobart being a leader and driving capital city of literature and related creative industries.