Community Satisfaction Survey goes quarterly

Published on 12 June 2023

Phones are ringing as the 2023 Community Satisfaction Survey finds out what residents think of Corangamite Shire Council.

An independent market research company started calling residents earlier this month.

In previous years, the survey has been carried out by interviewing 400 residents in a single time frame. This year the same total number of interviews will be carried out, but with 100 in each of four separate periods:

1 June to 2 July 17 August to 17 September 1 November to 3 December Feb/March 2024

Mayor Ruth Gstrein said National Field Services was calling randomly selected residents to conduct a community satisfaction survey.

“The survey has been designed to assess Council’s performance across a range of measures,” Cr Gstrein said.

“Residents’ opinions about Council services will be gathered then compared against our performance in previous years.

“The responses will identify ways we can improve our service to our community.

“We appreciate participants taking the time to help us with their valuable feedback.”

Cr Gstrein assured residents all responses and personal information were strictly confidential.

“Only the overall results are shared with Council,” she said.

“This is a very important piece of work that is done every year and lets us know what we’re getting right and where we need to improve.”

To reassure householders the calls are legitimate, the researchers will

always identify as National Field Services and introduce themselves by name; never ask for people by name (calls are random and the researchers do not have actual names); and always say how long we expect the survey to take.

Calls will come from a number with the prefix: (03) 9977. This may change over time but no calls will come from a mobile number.

Individual responses are confidential and only the overall results will be shared with Council.

Results are expected by the middle of the year and will rate Council in comparison to similar sized Councils and the state average.

The State Government requires all Councils to participate in the annual Community Satisfaction Survey.

For more information, call Council on 5593 7100.