The City has reaffirmed its position as an industry leader in community growth, development and environmental sustainability this financial year.

There are several key initiatives paving the way for a greener and more prosperous future for Wanneroo.

Annual tree planting program

Endorsed in late 2022, the Urban Forest Strategy included a move to focus the City’s annual tree planting program in suburbs with less than five percent tree cover and those containing heat islands, with a goal of achieving a total canopy cover increase of 15 to 20 per cent across the City by 2040.

More than 3,500 trees were planted as part of the annual tree planting program last year, with the 2023 winter planting program to start this month.

Yanchep Lagoon Masterplan

The City progressed several key improvement projects in line with the Yanchep Lagoon Masterplan.

The major place-based development plan will guide future growth and improvements in the Yanchep Lagoon Precinct, with the aim of creating greater opportunities for tourism, recreation and economic development in the area.

The City got upgrades to utility services underway in preparation for future commercial activity in the precinct, and will soon start construction works to upgrade the popular Orion Café.

The City also issued a tender for the preparation of a Masterplan Implementation Plan, marking another huge step towards the delivery of improvements to the precinct.

Other notable projects guiding growth and development in the City include the Alkimos Central Precinct Plan and the East Wanneroo District Structure Plan.

Three bin system

The community continued to embrace the three bin system, helping transform an estimated 14,000 tonnes of green-lid bin (garden organic) waste into high quality soil-enhancing products, such as mulch and potting mix.

The rollout of the three bin system has allowed the City to divert a large amount of refuse from landfill and make a substantial contribution towards the State’s target of a 70% reduction in waste to landfill by 2025.

Floating wetlands at Kingsway open space

To improve water quality and biodiversity within the lake and its surrounds, the City installed a floating wetland in the southern lake at Kingsway Regional Open Space.

The fifth installation of its kind in the City, the new floating wetland provides local wildlife with a unique protective habitat, while reducing algae forming nutrient loads within the lake.

Electric and hybrid vehicles

The City made a significant move towards a more sustainable fleet, with the introduction of two electric vehicles and eight hybrid vehicles to help reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

The City is also replacing diesel waste trucks with higher emission standards trucks and exploring hybrid and alternative fuel technologies for heavy vehicles, including hydrogen-powered and electric waste trucks.

Mayor Linda Aitken said it was important to be continually working towards a greener and cleaner future for the City of Wanneroo community.

“We all have an obligation to reduce our carbon footprint, and as a leading local government it is important to embrace and promote new technology wherever we can,” she said.

“The City is committed to a greener future and to creating a sustainable City that balances urban growth and the environment, while planning for climate change and managing waste and its impacts.

“The City’s Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Strategy 2020/21 – 2025/26 sets out clear steps that will enable us to reduce our carbon footprint while protecting and enhancing our natural environment and the lifestyles of future generations.”

Growth, environment and sustainability initiatives:

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