The City of Wanneroo Council has adopted a $293 million 2023/24 budget, investing in a range of services and facilities to keep our community connected, safe and sustainable.

Mayor Linda Aitken said the budget included a significant capital works program and investment in a range of everyday services and facilities to benefit residents.

“This budget reflects our commitment to delivering the programs and services our community relies on and expects, while also future-proofing our facilities and infrastructure,” she said. 

“Our residents and ratepayers will benefit from new sporting and community infrastructure, a safer and more efficient road network, welcoming and accessible parks and playgrounds and improved community safety. 

“Local business owners are also set to benefit, with Council putting money towards streamlining planning and approvals processes and providing ongoing, tailored support to help new and existing businesses thrive.

“As one of the fastest growing local government areas in Australia, we have a responsibility to deliver value for money for our ratepayers, and to invest in building a sustainable City for future generations.

“Local governments are being impacted by higher State government charges for electricity, streetlights and levies. Despite these pressures, through this budget, we continue to serve our growing community while maintaining good governance and sound financial management.” 

2023/24 Capital works program highlights

Through the capital works program, $20 million will be invested in roads, pathways and streetlighting, to help create a safe, connected and reliable local transport network that encourages people to use forms of transport other than driving, such as cycling and walking. 

Lenore Road in Hocking will benefit from a $4 million upgrade to provide a safer and more efficient road for residents and better transport connections for local businesses.

The City is taking steps to become more accessible and connected, encouraging our residents to look after their mental and physical health by being active outdoors, providing new multi-use pathways and end-of-trip facilities, including new shared paths along Hartman Drive in Wangara and Alexander Drive in Landsdale. 

Some $15.1 million will see major sport and recreation projects progress, including: 

$5.2 million for a pavilion and a storage building at Halesworth Park in Butler. These works will complement the first stage of the project, which included construction of two multi-sport ovals, 16 multi-use hardcourts, cricket nets, a dual-use path, children’s play area and picnic facilities. The state-of-the-art Alkimos Aquatic and Recreation Centre project will move into the detailed design phase, with a $4 million investment. Once completed, the facility is set to cater for the growing northern corridor, providing a fantastic public aquatic facility for our community.  A $1.7 million contribution to progress concept designs and the first stage of construction of a new sports amenity building at Heath Park in Eglinton.

The City will invest $2 million on community facilities, including $300,000 for the detailed design of Dordaak Kepap Library and Youth Innovation Hub. On completion, the facility will feature a demonstration kitchen, gaming room, recording booth and studio, podcasting room and function and meeting rooms.

Some $1.1 million has been committed to build new and improve existing playgrounds, including concept design and site analysis for a new all abilities playground at Riverlinks Park, so you and your family can enjoy the outdoors. 

This financial year, several parks including Hardcastle and Bembridge parks in Hocking, Mitchell Park in Two Rocks, Sanctuary Park in Ridgewood and Rotary Park in Wanneroo are set to benefit from a $3.2 million allocation for park furniture upgrades and renewals.

A further $4.7 million will be spent on foreshore and coastal management to ensure our community can enjoy our 32 kilometres of coastline.

This includes maintenance works and upgrades to the Mindarie Breakwater to ensure the structure remains functional for the next 50 years, as well as dune restoration works at Mindarie, Quinns Rocks, Yanchep and Two Rocks.

Community safety will get a boost with new emergency management initiatives and around-the-clock safety patrols, as well as a $300,000 investment to expand the City’s CCTV network.

“Our budget priorities were informed by the themes in the City’s Strategic Community Plan 2021-31, which was shaped by feedback from residents, community groups and local businesses,” Mayor Aitken said. 

“In challenging economic circumstances, I am proud of the wide range of essential services and facilities we continue to provide for our community while keeping rates as low as possible.”

The City also adopted the Corporate Business Plan 2023/24-2026/27 at last night’s meeting, which outlines how the City will achieve the objectives in the Strategic Community Plan to create an inclusive community with opportunities for people to participate, be active, feel secure and belong.  

For more information on the City of Wanneroo’s 2023/24 budget, visit  

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