Rates and Charges 2023-2024
Burnie City Council 1 Jul 2023
Rates and Charges 2023-2024

Published on 01 July 2023

Notice is hereby given that the Council made its rates resolution for the 2023-2024 financial year at its meeting held on Tuesday 27 June 2023.

The following is a summary of the rates resolution adopted:-

Description 2023-2024 General Rate 11.8603 cents (minimum $270) General Rate Residential 7.7622 cents (minimum $270) General Rate Primary Production 8.6629 cents (minimum $270) General Rate Central Burnie 13.6500 cents  (minimum $270) Municipal Waste Charge $133.38 Kerbside Collection Charge $327.41 Kerbside Collection Garbage Only $245.84 Kerbside Collection Recycling Only $81.75 Landfill (Waste) Levy $11.32 Stormwater Removal Service Rate for all land except residential and vacant land within Burnie or Ridgley water or sewer districts 1.9403 cents  (minimum $83.77) Stormwater Removal Service Rate for residential land, vacant land and each separately occupied tenement within the Burnie or Ridgley water or sewer districts $83.77 Burnie Composite Brigade - Urban Fire Protection Rate 1.2879 cents  (minimum $48) Ridgley Volunteer Brigade - Fire Protection Rate 0.3170 cents  (minimum $48) General Fire Protection Rate

0.2960 cents (minimum $48)

Conservation Covenant Remission – for all land registered under the Private Land Conservation Program $5 per hectare (minimum $50 and maximum $500)


A DISCOUNT of 2.0% will be provided on current rates and charges, excluding fire levy and landfill (waste) levy, where all rates and charges including any arrears, are paid in full by 5.00 pm on 31 August 2023.

A copy of Council’s Rates and Charges Policy and the full Rates Resolution is available from the City Offices, 80 Wilson Street, Burnie or by visiting www.burnie.tas.gov.au.


Pursuant to Part 2 of the Dog Control Act 2000 owners and keepers of dogs residing within the  Burnie municipal area are advised that the Dog Registration Fees for 2023-2024 for all dogs over the age of six (6) months as at 1 July 2023, are as follows:-


Sterilised dog



Pensioner Rate – Sterilised Dog



Male and female dog



Pensioner Rate - male and female dog



Working dog, purebred and greyhound



Dangerous Dog

(Section 29)



Dangerous Dog

(Section 30 Guard Dog)



Application for Kennel Licence for more than two dogs, plus registration fee per dog and advertising costs


Renewal of an existing Kennel Licence, plus registration fee per dog
