27 July, 2023
Do you know that there are a variety of options available to pay your land rates?
To support individuals and families, Lithgow Council offers a number of payment options.
Residents have the option to arrange a payment plan that suits their financial situation. This may involve weekly, fortnightly, monthly or quarterly instalments, providing greater flexibility, and avoiding larger lump sum payments.
The Council has also partnered with Lifeline Financial Counsellors to provide further assistance. This service assists people to discuss their specific circumstances and explore tailored solutions.
The Council is committed to working with those in need to find suitable solutions to help alleviate cost of living strains. Lifeline regularly visit Lithgow and residents can make appointments to discuss individual circumstances and the help that is available.
Do you receive a pension? If you receive a Centrelink Concession you may be eligible to receive a reduction in your rates. If you are not sure, please call the Council staff.
You can also:
Contact Council’s Revenue team on 6354 9999 or council@lithgow.nsw.gov.au if you have any enquiries.