Plastic Free July is an annual event designed to celebrate and promote the benefits of recycling. This year the School Recycling Challenge has been sponsored by Riverland Water with four cash prizes to be won to the value of $6,000.

Plastic Free July is an annual event designed to celebrate and promote the benefits of recycling. It creates opportunities for us all to implement positive change that will help protect our planet. Council has participated in Plastic Free July since 2021, where it developed and sponsored a School Recycling Challenge.

Council approached local schools and also held community workshops to produce the most creative projects using a variety of recycled materials.

This year the School Recycling Challenge has been sponsored by Riverland Water with four cash prizes to be won to the value of $6,000. Six schools registered with entries collected on the 27 June 2023 and judging conducted on 30 June 2023 by a Riverland Water / TRILITY representative. Council received 64 entries for the six registered schools.

Reception to Year 4 1st Prize $2,000 won by Berri Primary School 2nd Prize $1,000 won by Riverland Special School Year 5 & Year 6 1st Prize $2,000 won by Our Lady of the River School 2nd Prize $1,000 won by Rivergum Christian College

Sponsored by Berri Barmera Council Participation Award $500 won by Glossop Primary School Participation Award $500 won by Cobdogla Primary School

The Community Recycling Workshops were held at both the Berri and the Barmera Libraries for children up to the age of twelve to participate.

Statement from Riverland Water Riverland Water proudly partners with the Berri Barmera Council recycling challenge celebrating the region’s 'Plastic Free July' campaign. Vincent Tremaine, Riverland Water Chairman, said, “Children are naturally curious. They love learning about how things work and enjoy being helpful. This is precisely why Riverland Water partnered with Council to engage the region's students encouraging them to recycle and teaching them about sustainability. Learning the importance of being sustainable shows students that the environment is important. It also helps create responsible adults and deepen their understanding of our planet’s resources and the role sustainability plays. The Berri Barmera Council recycling program does exactly that; it actively encourages a child’s curiosity and encourages them to participate in household and school waste and recycling efforts, something Riverland Water actively supports.”

All entries for the School Recycling Challenge and the Community Recycling Workshops will be on display in the Berri Community Pavilion during July. Opening times can be found on Councils Facebook page.

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