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Greater Shepparton City Council Mayor, Councillor Shane Sali, urged community members to nominate themselves.

"The committee's input provides Council with additional insights into the steps we can take to make Greater Shepparton more inclusive. I encourage residents who have an interest in social inclusion and equality to consider being part of the committee,” he said.

Nominations are welcome from:

Individuals identifying as LGBTIQA+ with strong community links and the specific skills necessary to support the committee's role Local LGBTIQA+ associations, groups, and community committees Local organisations that work directly with the LGBTIQA+ community Members of the local business community Community members who identify as an LGBTIQA+ ally

Councillor and LGBTIQA+ Advisory Committee representative, Sam Spinks, encouraged interested community members to take this opportunity to actively contribute towards more positive changes in the region.

"The LGBTIQA+ Advisory Committee is an incredible platform for community members to voice their unique perspectives, advocate for inclusion and shape the future of our vibrant city,” Ms Spinks said.

“The committee’s work has been instrumental in the development of the inaugural action plan, which has led to significant steps in social inclusion, such as Council leading the 2023 IDAHOBIT Day event and the flying of the LGBTIQA+ flag during Pride month. Council is committed to ensuring that Greater Shepparton is a city for everyone, where diversity is celebrated and all voices are heard.”

Nominations will be accepted until 5.00pm on Friday 8 September 2023.

Nomination forms

For verbal expressions of interest or assistance with completing your nomination, please contact Council at [email protected] or call (03) 5832 9700.

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