New era for Koondrook Maternal and Child Health appointments

Published on 22 August 2023

Koondrook and district families who access Gannawarra Shire Council’s Maternal and Child Health services are benefiting from appointments relocating to a new facility.

The service catered for its first appointments in the Koondrook Kindergarten building last week, marking a new era for families in the area.

“Council’s Maternal and Child Health services play a key role in the development of our youngest residents, with staff providing support, information and health promotion for families,” Council Chief Executive Officer, Geoff Rollinson said.

“Relocating these consultations from the Barook Senior Citizens Centre to the Koondrook Kindergarten site provides staff and families a dedicated space where families can discuss their child’s health, growth and development, leading to greater collaboration between families and staff.”

ABOVE: Koondrook's Maternal and Child Health appointments are now held in the Koondrook Kindergarten building. 

The new space, located at Koondrook Primary School adjacent to Punt Road, is one of three locations where Council holds Maternal and Child Health appointments, with sessions also available weekdays at the Gannawarra Shire Children’s Centre, Kerang and by appointment at the Cohuna Maternal and Child Health Centre.

“Having the capacity to house Maternal and Child Health appointments in the same location as early education programs, such as 3-year-old and 4-year-old kindergarten sessions, means our Koondrook site provides similar arrangements as families who visit services at Cohuna and Kerang,” Mr Rollinson said.

Maternal and Child Health sessions are held at Koondrook on the first and third Wednesday of the month. For more information and bookings, click on the Maternal and Child Health heading at or phone (03) 5452 1357.  

MAIN PHOTO: Tarina Swingler (left) and Maternal and Child Health nurse, Jess Keating measure Eden Manning's length during an appointment at Koondrook's new Maternal and Child Health space.