5 September, 2023
Gunnedah Shire Council will host a number of free workshops in September.
They are:
The Gunnedah Shire Demographic Workshop
Join Glenn Capuano from .id for an informative and engaging demographic workshop.
.id stands for “informed decisions” and id’s work is to provide decision-makers within government, industry and the community with accurate, accessible, easy-to-use information about communities and how they are changing.
When: Friday, September 8, 2023 at the Smithurst Theatre in Conadilly Street.
Session 1: 9am-10am Gunnedah Shire Demographic Snapshot:
An overview of statewide trends in population during and after the pandemic.• How the Census played out in Gunnedah and northern New South Wales.• How is Gunnedah’s population changing, which age groups are moving in and out, and where from and to?• Changing socio-economic and cultural diversity characteristics.• Who is working from home – who moved in for the tree change but works elsewhere?• Housing – how affordable is it, who is in housing stress and where?• Economic characteristics of Gunnedah – main industries and value of the economy.Friday, September 8, 2023.
Session 2: 10.30am-12pm Profile .id Tools Made Easy:
How to use the .id toolkit (profile, atlas ad economy.id) to tell the changing story of Gunnedah Shire.• Dominant-emerging analysis, how to use it to tell the story.• Using datasets like migration data and SEIFA data to pinpoint locations within Gunnedah which are different from the main trend.• Using the economic impact and event tools to look at how the economy would change if industry changes happened.• Mapping changing characteristics in atlas.id.Tickets: https://www.trybooking.com/events/landing/1109640
The DisABILITY Planning Workshop
Gunnedah Shire Council and Carers NSW have partnered to present a unique opportunity for the community to have their say on how to enhance access in the Gunnedah Shire.
A free three-hour workshop is aimed at support services, carers, people with disability and any interested community members and organisations.
With an additional focus on disaster-preparedness, attendees will explore concepts of community attitudes and behaviours, liveability and employment, and work to identify ways to remove barriers, improve access opportunities and celebrate an inclusive, welcoming and resilient community.
Ideas will directly inform Gunnedah Shire Council's Disability Inclusion Action Plan and Carers NSW Care 2 Prepare Project.
When: Thursday, September 21, 2023 at the Smithurst Theatre in Conadilly Street.
Tickets: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/disability-workshop-planning-for-access-inclusion-in-the-gunnedah-shire-tickets-693824887917?aff=ebdssbdestsearch
Caption: Gunnedah Shire Council will host two workshops in September for business people and community members.
For more information, contact Gunnedah Shire Council’s Communications team on (02) 6740 2100 or communications@infogunnedah.com.au.