Council Meeting Wrap Up – August 2023
Huon Valley Council 10 Sep 2023

Our monthly Ordinary Meeting of Council was held on Wednesday 30 August 2023.

The full meeting agenda, supporting documents and video recording can be found on our website’s Meetings, Agendas and Minutes page (scroll down to Past Meetings and select the August meeting).

Key items discussed included:

Public Question Time included questions related to costing for footpath in Huonville, ALGA conference travel cost, DAs for processing, query regarding St Mark’s church site in Cygnet, electric vehicles, Targa Tas, and NRM strategy.

Planning Reports: Nil

General Reports:

Resolved – General Manager’s Operational Report General Manager’s Operational Report Mayor Doyle Activities Report (July) Annual Plan Implementation Fourth Quarter Report 2022-2023 Southern Tasmanian Regional Waste Authority (STRWA) quarterly report June 2023

Workshops: Councillors had the opportunity to attend 4 workshops from 2 August to 16 August 2023, including Community Survey and Service Values; Huonville Sporting Precinct and Depot Area and Huonville Town Hall redevelopment briefing/discussion; Strategic Projects for inclusion in Election Strategy Document; and Strategic Plan.

Councillor Notices of Motion:

Councillor Temby – Council taking on a licence to include the riparian zone of the Crown Land Reserve in Ranelagh.

Open Reports:

Resolved – Annual Food Safety Report July 2022 – June 2023 Resolved – Recreational Water Quality Report July 2022 – June 2023 Procedural motion to defer to September Council meeting – Lease of Public Land – Ranelagh Recreation Area

Items addressed in Closed Council: