Fire Prevention is our Intention
Burnie City Council 9 Nov 2023
Fire Prevention is our Intention

Published on 09 November 2023

With the strong discussion and imminent potential higher fire danger this Summer, we have kicked off our annual fire mitigation work a month earlier than previous years.

Starting in Romaine Reserve at the Mount Street end we are brush cutting and cleaning areas from fire fuel.

This program runs through to March as a normal plan and will be reassessed regularly on weather patterns from the BOM.

We will be sending out letters to property owners this month with reminders to clear fire hazards. Especially that of clearing long grass and undergrowth.

We all need to work together to look after our neighbours and each other this fire season.

Fire likes to play rough, prevention says it's time to be tough!

Keep up to date with all planned burns being conducted for the current burning season through the Tasmanian Fire Service page:

Tasmanian Fire Service - What's Burning now?