Mayor Beresford’s November 2023 Council Meeting Wrap-up
Paroo Shire Council 15 Nov 2023

Mayor Beresford’s November 2023 Council Meeting Wrap-up

We travelled west to Eulo this week for the November Council meeting and met with members of the local community during the open forum session prior to the meeting.   Council appreciates residents taking the time to attend and speak directly with Councillors and Executive Staff.  It also provided the opportunity to conduct a joint inspection of the parking area beside the Lizard Lounge which becomes boggy after rain and requires attention.

Community grant applications approved at this month’s meeting were:

Country Education Foundation of Paroo Inc. – grant of $3,000 towards the Scholarship Assistance Program Cunnamulla Amateur Swimming Club – in-kind support for repairs to lane rope storage reels Eulo State School – waiver of fees for Eulo Hall for school concert on 29th November Noorama Picnic Race Club – grant of $2,000 towards the cost of the 2024 Picnic Races and in-kind support by way of plant and equipment, rubbish bins, rubbish removal and other assistance if required.

With the upcoming Council Elections on 16th March 2024, all Councils will go into Caretaker mode from January 2024 to end of April 2024. During this period of time Council is unable to approve any Community Grant applications or requests. If you have an event between January and May 2024, and you are intending to apply for Community Grant funding, please submit your application by 15th December 2023 to enable a decision to be made at the January Council meeting. Any applications received after 15th December will be held over until the May 2024 Council meeting.

Business Survey

Council recently conducted a Business Survey to gain feedback and ascertain ways in which it can assist businesses in the region. Results of the survey which included 32 questions was tabled for Council’s information. The feedback received and suggestions put forward will be taken into consideration as Council plans a way forward targeting those areas identified. Council looks forward to working together with the business community to assist with growing the local economy.

Annual Report

In accordance with Local Government legislation, Paroo Shire Council’s Annual Report for 2022-2023 was presented and adopted. The report is a snapshot of the previous financial year and includes Council’s audited financial statements and the Auditor’s report.

Infrastructure Operations & Maintenance Work Updates

Inspections of Main Roads and the Council road network were conducted Contractors carried out line marking in Cunnamulla One of the roadworks crews has commenced construction work on the Jobs Gate Road under the TIDS program Premix and pothole patching to various Cunnamulla town streets New cement pathways at the pensioner quarters were completed Work continues on the Cunnamulla landfill site in preparation for the installation of bays to separate the different waste streams as the site transitions into a managed transfer station Topdressing of the playing field at John Kerr Park has been carried out as part of the yearly ground improvement schedule and means the playing surface will be closed for two months.

Swimming Pool

Council has been short of staff for the pool, however, an additional pool attendant has been recruited and will commence their orientation and training this month. Work will also take place this month on renewal of parts for the filtration equipment system which when completed will improve the water clarity.


The Cunnamulla Library has received a bronze award in the Queensland Public Libraries Association – Local Government Authority category with Townsville library winning the gold award and Noosa library taking out the silver award. Our entry was called “The Evolution of the Cunnamulla Library” and told the story of how the library has evolved over time to be so much more than just a book library with the upgrading of the library furniture and equipment and the many services it offers to the community.  

To obtain more information, please refer to the Paroo Shire Council’s website where the agenda and minutes of all Council meetings are posted. To subscribe to the eNewsletter group click on News & Events then click on Newsletters and sign up.

Contacting Council – should residents wish to contact Council regarding any matter, whether it’s an enquiry, reporting an issue, making a suggestion or lodging a complaint, please use the email