Weed Warning: Amsinckia
Huon Valley Council 6 Dec 2023

Another new weed has recently made its way into the Huon Valley; Amsinckia (Amsinckia calycina; also known as yellow burr weed or fiddleneck) is a close relative of Patterson’s Curse and has the potential to become a serious weed in crops, pastures, and lawns.

Amsinckia grows quickly and seeds prolifically and may be toxic to livestock. Classified as a Class A declared weed in the Huon under the Biosecurity Act 2019, new infestations of Amsinckia must be eradicated as quickly as possible.

Yellow burr weed appears to have arrived in contaminated sand or topsoil, so new lawns and construction areas are prime locations to look out for this weed.

Have you seen it? Erect, hairy, herb that can grow up to about 70cm high. Yellow to orange trumpet-shaped flowers at the end of curled ‘fiddlehead’ stalks. Flowers during August – December and forms rough-coated burrs that drop seeds in autumn. We need your help to eradicate this weed from the Huon Valley

Please report local sightings to:

Weed Management Officer (03) 6264 9479 [email protected]