Dunalley Community Hall Management
Sorell Council 8 Dec 2023

Posted on 8 December 2023

Council is seeking expressions of interest (EOI) from community groups to enter into a lease agreement to manage the Dunalley Community Hall with the aim of maximising use and community benefit. The EOI process allows for community groups to submit their ideas and business cases to Council for consideration. EOI submissions open on 8 December 2023 and close 26 January 2024.


Sorell Council is seeking Expressions of Interest (EOI) from community organisations for the management of the Dunalley Community Hall.

The Hall is currently owned and managed by Council on a ‘user pays’ basis, which means every user pays the applicable fees as set each year by Council.

Council is seeking proposals from interested community organisations to enter a lease arrangement to manage the Hall with the aim of achieving optimum use and maximising community benefit.

This invitation for EOI is not an offer by Council to financially or operationally assist organisations in management of the Hall. This EOI is an invitation to demonstrate your interest whereby you can submit ideas and business cases to Council for consideration. Council can then determine whether we have interest in your submission and if so we then may invite you to enter into a Lease Agreement.

Objectives and Outcomes

The objectives of this EOI are to:

Maximise community benefit from the Hall; Optimise usage of the Hall and facilities; Expand the range of activities available to the community; Establish an appropriate lease in conjunction with the new user; and Support Council’s strategic priorities as detailed in the Strategic and Annual Plans.

The EOI aims to arrange for the management of the facility for the purpose of providing a service to the community that achieves the following outcomes:

Well utilised community facility that meets the needs of the local community and improves social capital; Effective partnership between Sorell Council, the new leasee and the local Facility Details

*Submitters are solely responsible for making all relevant planning and building enquiries to ensure that their proposed use is lawful. In the event that the proposed use requires a planning approval, the submitter will be responsible for obtaining such approval prior to the use commencing.



Organisations must be an incorporated association with a focus on producing benefit for the wider community.

Lease Agreement

Council is seeking Expression of Interest (EOI) from interested Community Groups and Organisations to enter into a Lease Agreement to occupy and manage the Dunalley Community Hall.

The Lease will be negotiated with the successful party and will detail specific aspects that groups need to be able to comply with. These will include, but not limited to:

Insurances; Hall and ground maintenance; Cleaning; Outgoings (including but not limited to – electricity, water, hygiene services, gas, septic tanks and grease trap inspections, annual test and tag etc); Fire safety inspection; Competitive neutrality; and Level of financial support provided by Council.

Tenure Term:

The period of a lease term will be for an initial trial period of twelve months. This will ensure that if either party isn’t satisfied with the arrangement at the end of the trial period that management can return back to Council. There may be the possibility of including an option to extend for a further 1 or 2 year period if negotiated.

Submission Assessment Process

This is not a tender process and as such, the rules that apply to tenders do not apply to this Expression of Interest process; nor is this document an offer to enter into a contract.

The following process will occur:

All of those who have lodged a submission shall receive an email of confirmation. Council will identify which submissions appear to focus on and deliver what Council desires for the facility and which have further development potential. The parties identified above will then be short-listed and those proposals will be presented to Councillors at the February workshop for review and discussion.

Submissions will be assessed against the Assessment Criteria as outlined in the section below. Council in its discretion may determine not to proceed with any of the proposals submitted.

Specifications of Expressions of Interest

Organisations interested in preparing a submission must ensure the following information is included:

A.     Overview of your Organisation: 

Organisation name, ABN, proof of Incorporation and contact details; Nominated contact person and contact details; Brief description of organisation (purpose, goals & objectives) including organisational history; Current membership of your organisation; Details of how your organisation is funded (e.g. grants, membership, fundraising, sponsorships etc.); Details of two (2) referees for your

B.      Details of your proposal to manage the Dunalley Community Hall: 

Describe your proposed usage of the Hall – what activities and events will be conducted in the facility; Describe who is likely to access your proposed activities and indicate how many; Provide details of how often you would use the facility; Preferred commencement date; Demonstrate the need for the proposed use of the facility, include how you have identified this need; How the proposed use will benefit the immediate community;

C.      Financial Details: 

Describe how your organisation will meet (fund) recurrent charges it will be responsible for (e.g. cleaning, utility charges, insurances);

D.     Supporting Documentation:

The following documentation is required to support your Expression of Interest:

Copy of your organisation’s Incorporation certification and Insurance Certificate of Currency; Copy of your business plan for this proposal; Letters of support or referees letters for your organisation; Assessment Criteria

In considering the Expressions of Interest for the use and management of the facility the following criteria will be considered in making a recommendation to Council:

Demonstrated viability (Financial Sustainability) – proposal must demonstrate that it can be implemented, appropriate resources are available to deliver outcomes and the solution is realistic, having regard to the local community and its resources. Demonstrated relevance to the needs of the community; (Community Benefit) Demonstrated knowledge and commitment to the wellbeing and best interest of the community (Community Benefit) – uses and services should demonstrate an inclusive and accessible approach; Compatible with other uses in the vicinity of the hall (Community Benefit) – proposed uses and services do not duplicate or compete with those in close proximity to this facility.

Requests for Further Information:

For any further queries or information regarding this invitation to lodge Expressions of Interest, please contact:

Community Relations Team Sorell Council Phone:  6269 0000 Email:   [email protected]

Lodging Submissions

Electronic submissions are required, please email to:

[email protected]

Attention: Jess Hinchen Director People and Performance Subject title: Expressions of Interest for Dunalley Community Hall

Submissions for this EOI open on 8 December 2023 and close 26 January 2024.

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