Tropical cyclone as at 12pm, Monday 11 December 2023.This warning is from the Cairns Local Disaster Management Group (LDMG).

People in the Cairns region should PREPARE FOR ISOLATION before Tuesday afternoon.

Very strong winds and heavy rain from Tropical Cyclone Jasper may cause damage across the Cairns region. This could cut off roads in and out for several days.

Help may not be able to reach you quickly when roads are cut.

If your life is in danger, call Triple Zero (000) immediately.

For flood and cyclone help, call the SES on 132 500 or download the SES Assistance QLD app.

Impacts Strong winds from the cyclone.Flash flooding and rising water in creeks and rivers.  Floodwater can be very deep, rise quickly and move fast.Homes and buildings could be flooded in some places.Fallen trees and powerlines in some places.Power, water, sewerage and phone services could be lost in the area.  They could be out for a long time.Roads or bridges could be flooded, closed or damaged.

What you should do If you have special medical needs or are visiting the area, leaving now is the safest option. Check road conditions before you leave.If you stay, check your emergency kit is fully stocked battery-powered radio to listen to warnings and spare batteriestorch and spare batteriestinned and packet food, bottled water, important medicine, pet food and enough clothes to last five days.first-aid kitmobile phone, charger and charged power banktoilet paper, face masks and hand sanitiser.If you have very young children, have enough nappies for up to five days, wipes, bottles, formula or baby food. Plan to not have a fridge or microwave.If you have children make sure they are with you or an adult you trust.Stay away from creeks, rivers and floodwater.Move pets to a safe place. This could be high ground or inside.Move cars to undercover on high ground away from trees if you can do it safely.Check your family, friends and neighbours know what to do. Help them if you can.If you live in yellow, orange or red storm tide zone, decide now where you may need to evacuate to. Separate dvice has been issued for properties living in the storm tide zones.Visit the Cairns Disaster Dashboard or Storm Surge Search to check if you are in a storm tide zone and know your evacuation route. You can also download a Storm Tide Evacuation Guide. If you have livestock Move livestock to higher ground. You may need to open gates to other paddocks so animals can move to safety if there is flooding.Block access to low-lying fields or other places near creeks and rivers.Provide lots of food and clean water in a safe place away from creeks and rivers.Make sure animals can be identified if they get lost. For more information

The next update will be issued at 9am, Tuesday 12 December 2023 or when the situation changes.