Details Last Updated: Monday, 11 December 2023 15:03 Published: Monday, 11 December 2023 14:37

Work to complete replacement of an ageing culvert on Newman Road, Wyreema /Vale View is expected to be completed in early 2024.

TRC Infrastructure Services Group Portfolio Chair Cr Carol Taylor said the works involved replacing the existing steel pipe culvert with an upgraded concrete box culvert to help increase flood resilience and minimise damage from future flood events.

“Council was hoping to re-open Newman Road to traffic at the end of the year but the two weeks of wet weather at the end of November fell at a critical time for the project and the re-opening will now occur in late January 2024,” Cr Taylor said.

“This will give Council’s construction team time to complete the works delayed by the wet weather.

“While these works continue, the current detour via Shepperd Road will remain in place for the safety of road users and the construction team. It is recognised Newman Road is a major collector for the area and that the culvert upgrade and the increased ability to carry floods will result in less road closures in future which is a win for the community. Council thanks the Community for its patience during these works,” Cr Taylor said.

The works are part of Council’s 2023/24 Capital Works Program and are jointly funded by Council and the State Government’s South East Queensland Community Stimulus Program.

For more information on TRC’s road works program visit

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