Details Last Updated: Thursday, 14 December 2023 14:56 Published: Thursday, 14 December 2023 11:25

Toowoomba Regional Council’s essential services will continue to operate across the Christmas and New Year holiday period.

Council operations will officially be closed between Friday, December 22, 2023 and Tuesday, January 2, 2024, however Toowoomba Region Mayor Geoff McDonald said emergency requests would be answered.

“I want to assure the public that if anyone is in need of an essential service provided by Council during the Christmas-New Year break there will be someone to answer your query or attend to an emergency,” Mayor McDonald said.

“To let our staff celebrate the season and spend time with family and friends, our Christmas and New Year closedown starts from 5pm on Friday, December 22. Staff will return on Tuesday, January 2, 2024.

“Christmas is a time for being with family and I encourage Council staff to enjoy their break.”

There will be some exemptions to the Christmas closures and these include:

Council’s functional areas where employees will be on duty to work on priority projects, test and monitor water supplies, supervise CBD parking, perform ongoing maintenance, or deal with essential and emergency situations; and

Public facilities (aquatic, fitness, library and Visitor Information Centres etc.) where services are required to be delivered to the public.

“For any Council-related emergency calls during the holiday period, please continue to call 131 872,” Mayor McDonald said.

“This includes problems such as burst water mains, water leaks, traffic signals not working, dog attacks, serious environmental incidents, call outs from emergency services, trees on roads, dangerous potholes, sewer blockages/overflows or a dead animal on a road causing safety hazards.

“Some services will remain unaffected during this time.

“Council’s kerbside waste collection continues as normal over the Christmas break.

“All waste facilities will be closed on Christmas day. Normal operating hours at waste facilities resume on Boxing Day.

“Various individual opening times will be in place for other Council facilities.”

For details about TRC service operations during the Christmas closure, please call Council on 131 872 or visit

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