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The Plan was noted at the December Council Meeting, with it recognised as being a living document which will continue to be updated as required for the duration of the recovery program.

The October 2022 flood event was the most significant flood event in many decades and impacted Greater Shepparton in numerous ways. Residential properties, businesses and farms were impacted right across the municipality, with flood waters causing considerable damage.

Under the State Emergency Management Plan, Councils play a crucial role in leading and supporting relief and recovery efforts at the municipal level. Emergency Recovery Victoria is the lead agency for recovery at a regional and state level. The Plan aligns with existing state and national frameworks.

Some of the key flood recovery activities coordinated by Council to date have included:

Recovery information for community Implementation of Secondary Impact Assessments to assess residential and business property damage Establishment of a Flood Recovery Hub at the Shepparton Senior Citizens Centre Establishment of the Resilience in Recovery program and supporting the coordination of psychosocial support programs and services Removal of residential flood waste Remediation of civic assets, parklands, and Council roads Upgrading pump infrastructure to reduce flash flooding impacts and the commencement of a drainage upgrade investigation and design Establishment of place-based Community Recovery Committees in directly impacted towns.

Mayor, Councillor Shane Sali, said the development of this plan was an important step in the recovery journey and ensuring the region is well equipped for any future emergencies.

“The Plan defines the governance arrangements and priorities for our region, while recognising that recovery requires a mix of short, medium and long-term actions. It also addresses the long term priorities to help our region increase flood resilience, including the need for a second river crossing,” he said.

“The 2022 flood event had a devastating impact on the community and our recovery is still underway. In developing the Plan, Council consulted with flood-impacted community members and the Municipal Recovery Committee to ensure the document reflects everyone involved in our region’s recovery.”

The Plan will be iterated over time as further priorities and actions are articulated by the communities of Greater Shepparton. You can download the Plan below.

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