Pursuant to section 131 of the Act, the consumption and possession of liquor in the area described in the schedule is prohibited in accordance with the provisions of the Schedule.

The prohibition has effect during the periods specified in the schedule.

Unless the contrary intention appears, the prohibition of the possession of liquor in the area does not extend to -

(a) a person who is genuinely passing through the area if -

(i) the liquor is in the original container in which it was purchased from licensed premises; and

(ii) the container has not been opened; or

(b) a person who has possession of the liquor in the course of carrying on a business or in the course of his or her employment by another person in the course of carrying on a business; or

(c) a person who is permanently or temporarily residing at premises within the area or on the boundary of the area and who enters the area solely for the purpose of passing through it to enter those premises or who enters the area from those premises for the purpose of leaving the area.

Schedule - Arno Bay Area 1 1 - Extent of prohibition

The consumption of liquor is prohibited, and the possession of liquor is prohibited.

2 - Period of prohibition

From 11:00pm on 31 December 2023 to 8:00am on 1 January 2024.

3 - Description of area

Area shaded in below diagram.

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