Mareeba Shire Council 21 Dec 2023

Telephone: Community Recovery Hotline 1800 173 349.

Online: https://www.qld.gov.au/community/disasters-emergencies

Personal Hardship Assistance Personal Hardship Assistance is available to support impacted residents in the Mareeba Shire Local Government Area.  Eligibility conditions apply.

Emergency Hardship Assistance $180 per person (up to $900 for families of 5 or more) for people who are unable to meet their immediate essential needs for temporary accommodation, food, essential clothing and medication.  It can take up to 5 days for payments to reach your bank account. More eligibility criteria online.

Essential Household Contents Grant One-off payment for households who are uninsured or unable to claim insurance as a contribution towards replacing or repairing essential household contents e.g. bed linen and white goods.  Up to $1,765 for single adults and up to $5,300 for couples/ families.  An onsite assessment of damage will be conducted and photographic evidence of items is required before disposal. More eligibility criteria online, including income test.

Essential Services Safety & Reconnection To help owner/occupied households that are uninsured or unable to claim insurance to reconnect essential services that were damaged by a disaster. Up to $200 towards a safety inspection for each essential service needing reconnection (electricity, gas, water and sewerage or septic system) and up to $4,200 towards repair work.

Structural Assistance Grant One-off payment towards the cost of repairs to or contribution to replacement of dwellings to ensure the home is habitable, secure and safe.  An onsite assessment of damage will be conducted Up to $50,000. More eligibility conditions online including that you are uninsured or unable to claim insurance.

How to Access Financial Assistance

Apply Online at: qld.gov.au/DisasterHelp follow the links to the Community Recovery Grants Portal. To apply online you will need: proof of ID e.g. drivers licence or Medicare Card; bank account details, valid email address. Community Recovery Hotline: 1800 173 349

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