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Over the New Year’s weekend, six Callistemon trees which had been growing for more than three years were snapped off at ground level. These trees have since had to be removed by Council’s Arboriculture team.

In the past, similar juvenile trees along Wyndham Street have been specifically targeted and deliberately vandalised by individuals.

The cost of the damage is estimated to be over $450 per tree when taking into account initial watering and formative pruning. Council’s Acting Manager Parks, Sport and Recreation, Steve Wilson, said Council was frustrated that people would purposely vandalise and kill these newly established trees.

“This is exceedingly frustrating for Council and we are urging people to step forward to contact the police if they see this happening or have video footage from businesses or residential homes,” he said.

“We recognise the importance of Council’s Urban Forest Strategy and we will work to replace the trees and will continue to replant in this area until successful in establishment.” 

View the importance of the Urban Forest Strategy

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