Update on Council’s Waste Collection Services – FAQ
Sorell Council 18 Jan 2024

Posted on 19 January 2024

Who is Council’s new Waste Collection Contractor?

Veolia have been awarded the waste contract for general waste, recycling, and the new kerbside green waste collection service.

What new services will be introduced?

A new monthly kerbside 240L green waste wheelie bin collection service will commence from 1 July 2024 for residential areas (land use zones General Residential, Low Density, Rural living and Village). Vacant properties will not receive a green waste bin.

To check if your property is eligible for this green waste service, please refer to the below maps:

attached map – Green Waste Collection Area

attached map – Green Waste Overview

When will I get my Green Waste wheelie bin?

A bin delivery schedule is currently being prepared by Veolia. Once available, Council will publish this information on our website, on social media and also directly inform residents by mail.

Why are Green Waste wheelie bins being introduced?

Council is committed to actions that help reduce the municipality’s waste footprint. This means the less we send to landfill, the more we help our environment by reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Phase 1 is introducing green waste wheelie bins for your garden organics.

Phase 2 will occur when a new local organics processing facility is established in the next 1 to 2 years. Once the facility is operational, your green waste wheelie bin will become your Food Organics and Garden Organics (FOGO) bin and collection frequency increased to weekly.

More information on the benefits of FOGO can be found here.

Can I opt out of this service?

No. Council encourages all residents in the collection area to use this service – and even if you don’t generate a lot of green waste, you need to retain this wheelie bin for when FOGO starts.

I prefer bulk green waste and hard waste collection – is this stopping too?

Council understands the bulk green and hard waste services are valued by the community. Unfortunately, these services are not sustainable into the future due to changes in waste resource recovery, contractor availability, and safety.

To help with the transition to different waste services, Council has been able to extend the existing bulk green waste and hard waste services for an additional 2 years, but at a reduced collection frequency.  Further details on service frequency will be advertised after 1 July 2024 once the Tender process for these services has been finalised.

Will I have to pay for this new waste service?

Yes, all residents eligible for the green waste wheelie bin will have service charges applied. However, waste service management is already included as a cost component on your Rates and made up of CPI fluctuations and the waste disposal ‘gate fee’ levy applicable.

This waste disposal ‘gate fee’ levy is set by the Tasmanian Government and will continue to increase. The current $20.00 per Tonne rate will escalate to $40.00 in 2024/25, and again to $60.00 in 2026/27. 

Will there be any changes to my garbage and recycling collection?

The existing weekly garbage and fortnightly recycling will initially remain unchanged from 1 July 2024.

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