Redland City Council will reopen all tracks and trails in conservation areas on Redlands Coast this weekend, but residents are asked to be sensible when using them.
Some areas may still be wet and muddy, so please take care and use the trails appropriately.
The recent intense wet weather meant the tracks have been closed for an extended period of time and high use this weekend may cause them to deteriorate again.
As a general guide, if you’re leaving a footprint or bike track then the trails are too wet to use.
Take care as some spots are still muddy. If you’re leaving a footprint or bike track the trails may still be too wet to use.Try sticking to the wider, gravel access tracks if you’re keen to get out.
Walkers and riders should report any issues they discover, such as fallen or damaged trees on or near trails, to Council on 3829 8999.
Thank you for helping us to preserve our wonderful natural area trails.