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Applications for the following grants are now open:

Small Town Festive Decorations – Grants of up to $2,000 are available for small towns within the Greater Shepparton region to decorate their main street and/or public space to celebrate the festive season. Community Matching – Grants of up to $5,000 are available for community groups to support one-off projects and events which benefit and strengthen the Greater Shepparton community. Minor and Major Event – Grants of up to $2,000 (Minor) and up to $5,000 (Major) are available to help facilitate events which increase and enhance community spirit, participation, inclusion and wellbeing. Our Sporting Future – A total funding pool of $7,000 is available across three different categories: Sports Aid Will provide funding for projects that support new and developing sporting organisations, projects for special access and/or participation projects. Womens and Girls Will provide funding towards programs that increase participation opportunities for women and girls in sports clubs for development programs or training. Junior and Youth Participation Will provide funding towards initiatives to increase participation in sport for teams/sport between eight and eighteen years of age, where a significant decrease in participation has occurred over the previous one to three years. Creative City – Grants of up to $5,000 are available for projects to support local creative talent and contribute to the diversity and vitality of creative activity across our region. Healthy Communities – Grants of up to $10,000 are available to support local organisations to build partnerships that educate the community, particularly young people, on harmful industries and misleading marketing.

Mayor, Councillor Shane Sali encouraged eligible community groups and organisations to submit an application for one of the six grant categories.

“These grants are tailor-made for the community. The money is allocated each round so that Council can support our local groups to put on an event, run a program or purchase something which will benefit the wider community,” he said.

“This money can be put towards a diverse range of projects, so I encourage locals to get creative and think of innovative, unique and meaningful ways to use the funding.” 

Council will be hosting a free information session to provide information on eligible community groups and projects, the application process and key date and grant amounts. There will also be an opportunity to have questions answered.

Applications for the six grant programs close on Sunday 17 March 2024.

For more information, visit Council’s website greatershepparton.com.au/grants-and-funding

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