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Clean Up Australia Day is a national initiative aimed at tidying up the environment through volunteer efforts. Since 1990, Clean Up Australia Day has inspired and mobilised communities to improve and conserve our environment, eliminate litter and end waste.

More than 21 million Aussies have participated in Clean Up Australia activities and events over the past three decades. This year, RiverConnect are focusing on getting Greater Shepparton residents to create their own Clean Up event:

Pick a location. If you need some help choosing a location RiverConnect can help. Contact 5832 9714 or email [email protected] Register online at https://register.cleanup.org.au/ Spread the word

Greater Shepparton is a big place and so there are many places you could clean up. Some great choices include parks, bushland and riverbanks. You can Clean Up Australia any day of the year, whatever date you choose, just make sure to register so you can receive your free Clean Up Kit.

When registering, you can Clean Up as an individual, community group, a business or a school. It is important to register two weeks prior to your event date, as you will receive a free Clean Up kit including bags, gloves, information and promotional material. You will also be covered by Clean Up Australia’s public liability insurance.

RiverConnect Project Officer, Alison White, said Clean Up Australia was an important initiative for the Greater Shepparton community.

“Something that people don’t always realise is where the litter goes when it washes into stormwater drains. Gross Pollutant Traps aim to collect all of the rubbish, however sometimes it gets through and it is then released into our local waterbodies” she said.

“This means that litter dropped in the Shepparton CBD could end up in a river or lake and then wildlife may mistake it for food. That is why the communities Clean Up efforts are so important for our region. At any time of the year it can make a huge difference”.

There are also three designated dates for Clean Up’s, if you can’t decide on a date yourself:

Business Clean Up Day - Tuesday 27 February 2024 Schools Clean Up Day - Friday 1 March 2024 Clean Up Australia Day - Sunday 3 March 2024

To register please visit the Clean Up website or contact RiverConnect at 03 5832 9714 or [email protected]

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