$4,485.35 to go towards their project titled “Kings Cafe Messy Play Project” for Play equipment - 3x tuff tray stand, matt & equipment, drawing board, water play trays, paint brushes, text as, crayons, water pots, Easel & drying rack, Tarps for floor mats.
Dowton Park Recreation Reserve$2,888.47 to go towards their project titled “Glass washer” for purchase and installation of a glass washer for the club rooms at Dowton Park Reserve.
Drouin Badminton Club Incorporated$4,488 to go towards their project titled “Safety Padding or Wall and Pillars ” for fixed wall padding to the north wall of the Badminton Stadium.
Eastern Park Community Garden$5,000 to go towards their project titled “Rental beds Renovation Program” for re-laying of new gravel and compaction, Construction of new beds and top up all beds with new compost.
$5,000 to go towards their project titled “The Addams Family’ Production” for venue hire.
Hill End Mechanics Reserve Committee of Management$2,000 to go towards their project titled “Purchase a Defibrillator ” for a fully automatic defibrillator, AED ready pack, White alarmed indoor cabinet, AED 90degreee poly sign DRSABC plan A3 and AED awareness training licenses.
$2,208.96 to go towards their project titled “Wellbeing equipment-pool and table tennis table” for the purchase of a pool table, cues, table tennis table and bats/balls set.
$4,996.16 to go towards their project titled “Transforming the Algie Hall Stage ” for the installation of moving stage, lighting, atmospheric effects and secure fittings.
Riding for the Disabled Association of Victoria Inc$4,271.01 to go towards their project titled “RDA Warragul Equipment & Safety Improvement Program” for various riding and safety equipment.
The Committee for Drouin for Friends of Drouin Trees$5,000 to go towards their project titled “Nature at your back door’ book ” for the fifth series of the book, this book aims to show locals and visitors where they can engage with nature very close to town through public reserves, waking tracks and liner tracks.
The Country Women’s association Inc. Drouin Branch$1,749.70 to go towards their project titled “Technology” for the purchase of a laptop computer, printer, printer supplies and a speaker.
The Hallora Marathon Incorporated$5,000 to go towards their project titled “The Hallora Marathon Festival ” for Traffic Management.
$1,299.80 to go towards their project titled “Update indoor tables” for the purchase of 21 x bifold tables.
Trafalgar Football Netball Club Inc.$4,572.50 to go towards their project titled “Equipment” for the purchase of sporting equipment and a 50 inch TV.
$3,600 to go towards their project titled “Route 69 ” for traffic management, TV promotion, flyers and ad media.
Trafalgar Junior Football Club$5,000 to go towards their project titled “Training Equipment” for the purchase of football equipment including portable goal set, 30 classic headgear pieces and 2 rebound nets.
Trafalgar Park Bowls Club$3,478.42 to go towards their project titled “Facility upkeep and safety equipment” for the purchase of safety equipment.
Walhalla Heritage & Development League Inc$3,475 to go towards their project titled “Walhalla Museum IT Futureproofing Project ” for a desktop PC, laptop, wireless keyboard, mouse and laser printer.
Warragul Community House Inc$4,135.91 to go towards their project titled “The Deck Retreat” for landscape design, 2 outdoor benches, garden edging and 51 native plants.
$4,569.43 to go towards their project titled “Girl Guides Get Outdoor” for new camping equipment.
Warragul Heritage Preservation Association inc$4,400 to go towards their project titled “Lighting Wesley Performances for the Future” for LED lighting equipment.
Warragul Industrials Football Netball Club$3,900 to go towards their project titled “New Footballs” for the purchase of 30 x Footballs.
Warragul Little Athletics Club$3,750 to go towards their project titled “Jumping for fun” for the purchase of 30 x Hurdles.
Warragul Municipal Band Inc$3,310 to go towards their project titled “Training band” for musical instruments, film favourites music booklets.
$5,000 to go towards their project titled “Production” for production of Hammered: A Thor and Loki Play.
$400 to go towards their project titled “Brahms Requiem and St. Cecelia’s Day performance” for program printing.
$2,324.70 to go towards their project titled “Wild Dog Triathlon Equipment” for 6 x stopwatches, measuring wheel, laptop and printer.
Yarragon Football Netball Club Inc$5,000 to go towards their project titled “Spectators Supporting local netball” for a 6m4t Grandstand seating.