Wanneroo Council has endorsed the City’s advocacy priorities for the 2025 State and Federal elections.

Focused on key issues identified through consultation with a range of stakeholders, including the community, the advocacy agenda aims to influence government funding of projects that will benefit residents, ratepayers and local businesses.

The priority projects, which span the four key themes of Liveability, Sustainability, Productivity and Wellbeing, are:   

Liveability Working with the State Government to secure a tertiary hospital for Yanchep. Redevelopment of the Girrawheen Community Hub precinct. Upgrading the Wanneroo Recreation Centre and surrounding precinct. Construction of facilities at Alkimos Regional Open Space. Sustainability Developing a Resource Recovery Precinct at Neerabup Industrial Area. Undergrounding power supply across the City. Productivity Working with the State Government to develop the Yanchep City Strategic Centre. Working with the State and Federal governments to deliver road and rail projects to enhance transport connections. Wellbeing Working with partners to support the establishment of youth diversionary services. Working with partners to enhance family and domestic violence support and accommodation services. Working with others to enhance homelessness support including accommodation services.

Mayor Linda Aitken said Council and the City had worked hard to identity key projects that would have the greatest impact for residents, local businesses and the wider community.

“As one of WA’s largest local governments, we’re accountable to more than 235,000 residents,” she said.

“We’re committed to advocating to all tiers of government and political stakeholders to drive investment for the benefit of everyone who lives in, works in and visits our region, and with both State and Federal elections scheduled for 2025, it’s important the City is prepared with an endorsed advocacy agenda.

“Over several election cycles, the City has successfully advocated for $1.1 billion dollars of State and Federal investment into key projects such as the Yanchep Rail Extension, Mitchell Freeway Extension, Flynn Drive and many community recreation facilities.

“This new agenda sets the City’s priority projects and targets for us all to work towards delivering over the next four years, from better roads and community amenities, to access to tertiary health care facilities."

For more information, visit wanneroo.wa.gov.au.

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