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The construction timeframe is governed by Goulburn-Murray Water’s (G-MW) winter irrigation “shut down” period of the Stuart Murray Canal, which is planned from mid-May through to mid-August each and every year. It is anticipated the construction will be completed over a six week duration during the Irrigation “shut down” period. The bridge will be closed to all public use, including pedestrians and cyclists, during this time.
Depending on rain and unfavourable weather, the Stuart Murray Canal may be “re-opened” by G-MW, potentially delaying the bridge renewal works.
The works are planned to commence on Monday 20 May 2024.
The bridge renewal works include, but are not limited to:
Setting up site, closure of the bridge to public use, establishment of traffic and pedestrian/cyclist management measures and ‘temporary’ removal of fencing, Timber Pile Repairs including pile 'wrap and pour', and splicing new timber sections into existing Supply and replace timber crossheads, bolts and fixtures, Application of timber preservation treatments and associated works, Reinstatement of fencing and the surrounding site. Re-opening of the bridge to public use.Council requests user groups and the community to be informed and to plan their journey and any events around these essential bridge works.