City of Parramatta is aiming to make it easier for essential workers to secure affordable rental housing and is inviting residents to have their say on the draft Affordable Rental Housing Policy 2024 (Policy).

The draft Policy addresses the operational management of Council-owned affordable rental housing properties and complements the Affordable Housing Action Plan which sets the strategic vision and advocacy priorities related to affordable housing. 

A significant update to the Policy will allow Council to better manage Council owned affordable housing properties and guide decision making on acquisition of more affordable rental housing.

City of Parramatta Lord Mayor Cr Pierre Esber said many residents across greater Sydney are experiencing housing stress.  

“Our priority is to make sure essential workers who work in our City - teachers, nurses, cleaners, hospitality and emergency workers - have access to affordable housing close to home,” Cr Esber said.

“Delivering more affordable housing will help alleviate rental housing stress and allow Council to deliver the best possible outcomes for our community.”

In an industry first, Parramatta has developed an innovative tool – an infrastructure calculator – for rezoning applications - that assesses the site suitability and infrastructure needs including provisions of affordable housing.

Council’s research shows a further 12,600 affordable housing dwellings will be needed across the LGA to house people on lower incomes by 2041. These dwellings will need to be delivered through state and government levers, often in partnership with the private sector.

Council owns eight Affordable Rental Housing units, all in the Parramatta CBD. With a further 49 units in the pipeline outside the CBD, Parramatta is well placed to be one of the leading councils to secure affordable housing for the community. 

The draft Policy is on public exhibition until 27 May 2024.