“Look Up and Say Hello Hobart” Campaign to Enhance Pedestrian Safety
Hobart City Council 6 May 2024
“Look Up and Say Hello Hobart” Campaign to Enhance Pedestrian Safety

Published on 06 May 2024

The City of Hobart, in partnership with Safer Australian Roads and Highways Group (SARAH), will launch the “Look Up and Say Hello Hobart” campaign.

This initiative aims to remind pedestrians to stay alert and aware of their surroundings, particularly when navigating the city, by encouraging them to look up from their mobile phones.

The campaign will kick off with cupcake giveaways on Monday and Tuesday near Town Hall to incentivize pedestrians to engage with their environment rather than their devices.

By looking up from their phones, people walking can be more aware of the road environment and enjoy a sweet treat courtesy of the City of Hobart. Hobart’s City Mobility Portfolio Chair Cr Ryan Posselt said pedestrian safety was a top priority for the City of Hobart.

“Many might be surprised to learn that Hobart has the greatest percentage number of people walking to work per capita of any other capital city in Australia. The ‘Look Up and Say Hello Hobart’ campaign aligns with our commitment to creating a safer environment for all road users,” Cr Posselt said.

“Every journey into the city, even those that involve a car or bike will also include walking at some point and by reminding people walking through our city to stay attentive and engaged, we aim to reduce accidents and promote responsible behaviour in our city.”

SARAH Group president Peter Frazer said: “We congratulate the City of Hobart for developing such a great campaign to safeguard its citizens.

“National Road Safety Week prompts Australians to reflect on their driving and road use habits.

“We urge all drivers, passengers, pedestrians and other road users to pledge their commitment to road safety, so that we can ensure that everyone gets home safe to their loved ones, every day with no exceptions!

“It is intolerable that so many lives are lost each year; that so many of our fellow Australians are killed or seriously injured in what are completely avoidable circumstances.

“It's imperative that we unite to make our roads safer, as every s death or serious injury is one too many."

Cr Ryan Posselt said it was significant partnership with SARAH.

“The endorsement of the Yellow Ribbon Road Safety Council MOU signifies our dedication to advancing road safety goals in collaboration with reputable organisations like SARAH,” Cr Posselt said.

“Through this partnership, we will implement initiatives aimed at enhancing pedestrian safety, including public awareness campaigns and infrastructure improvements.”

The City of Hobart has outlined a comprehensive approach to road safety, including:

Enhancing pedestrian safety through improved infrastructure. Implementing traffic management strategies to reduce accidents and congestion. Collaborating with law enforcement to enforce traffic regulations. Investing in public awareness campaigns to educate the community about road safety. Investing in protected cycling lanes to promote sustainable transportation. Developing traffic management improvements to enhance pedestrian accessibility. Engaging with the community to gather input on road safety concerns. Prioritizing the safety of vulnerable road users.

These efforts are aligned with the City of Hobart’s strategic frameworks, including the Community Vision and Capital City Strategic Plan, Central Hobart Plan, and the draft Hobart Transport Strategy 2024.

The draft Transport Strategy is currently open for community engagement until 31 May 2024.

Picture: Myra Wadley-Faull from Rokeby trying a "Look Up and Say Hello Hobart" cupcake in the Elizabeth Street Mall.