Mayor Beresford’s April 2024 Council Meeting Wrap-up
Paroo Shire Council 1 May 2024

Mayor Beresford’s April 2024 Council Meeting Wrap-up

The April Council meeting was held at the Civic & Community Enterprise Centre in Cunnamulla on Monday 22nd April, 2024.


Council will advise the Dept of Justice and Attorney-General that it has no objection to the liquor licence application submitted by the Cunnamulla Hot Springs Management Pty Ltd The SWQROC has advised that the South West Freight Subsidy contract with the current contractor Linfox has been extended until the end of June 2024 and therefore the subsidy remains in place The Dept of Tourism and Sport advised Council’s application for funding under the Minor Infrastructure and Inclusive Facilities Fund in relation to John Kerr Park was unsuccessful Qld Heritage Council has removed the Robbers Tree from its Register due to its destruction during a storm in September 2021.

Community Grant Applications Approved

Wyandra State School – donate wood chips held at Wyandra Council depot for garden project HOPE Program – waive hire fees of coldroom and two portaloos delivered to Tinnenburra for Deadly Recruits Camp in June from 12th – 22nd Yowah Opal Festival – grant of $4,000 and waive hire fees for coldroom, 4 portaloos and 8 blue rubbish bins delivered to Yowah in July from 18th – 22nd Cunnamulla RSL Sub-branch – donate $3300 for piper and catering on Anzac Day and morning tea on Remembrance Day.

Councillors’ Delegation to Committees

As part of the new Council term, the following committee delegations have been confirmed:-

Audit & Risk Committee – Mayor, Deputy Mayor & Cr. King Vertebrate Pest Advisory Committee – Mayor & Cr. King RADF Advisory Committee – Cr. Woodcroft LDMG – Mayor & Cr. King

New Internal Committees have also been established for this term of Council and Councillors nominated for each Committee are as follows:-

Infrastructure & Asset Management – Mayor, Deputy Mayor & Cr. King Finance & Governance – Mayor, Deputy Mayor & Cr. King Economic Development, Planning, Tourism & Events – Mayor, Cr. Woodcroft & Cr. Jackson Community Livability, Rural Services & Environmental Management – Mayor, Cr. Woodcroft & Cr. Jackson

Sun Safety

Council has been successful in obtaining an incentive grant of $5,000 for Local Government Sun Safety from Queensland Health. Part of the proposal is to design a “Friday” shirt that promotes sun safety and looking at staff training on the topic of sun safety for outside workers.

REPA QRA Flood Damaged Roadworks

Local Contractors are currently carrying out flood repair roadworks following the January 2022 weather event and these works to the value of $12M will be completed by early June. Gravel pit works for both the January 2022 weather event and the September 2022 weather event are being undertaken concurrently. Tenders for the September 2022 event have closed and are under consideration. This work will be carried out over the next twelve months up until June, 2025.    Shepherds Services are currently undertaking assessment of the January, 2024 event for submission to QRA and in the meantime Council crews are carrying out emergency works with their assistance.


The Wet Weather Road Closure Policy was deferred to a future workshop for further consideration and any amended draft policy will be available for community comment prior to consideration by Council Heavy and medium formation grading for 12 kms of the southern half of the Hungerford Road was completed Slashing of the Main Roads road shoulders is continuing Construction of a further section of the Jobs Gate Road to bitumen seal standard is in progress with completion due in April Pothole patching on the Eulo-Toompine Road, Jobs Gate Road and Cunnamulla town streets was carried out Emergent flood damage was identified on the Glentuckie, Yowah and Eulo-Toompine Roads by Shepherd Services.

Pest Control

Throughout the last month, water lettuce biocontrol has been released from the breeding tank, approximately six tubs of infected lettuce has been released weekly. Fresh plant material to replenish the breeding tank food source has also been harvested. 

The cochineal collected for common pear cactus has been dispersed on the Cunnamulla town common with a view to having it establish successfully. Landowners will then have the opportunity to harvest the infected material and disperse the biocontrol onto the cactus growing on their properties.

To obtain more information, please refer to the Paroo Shire Council’s website where the agenda and minutes of all Council meetings are posted. To subscribe to the eNewsletter group click on News & Events then click on Newsletters and sign up.

Contacting Council – should residents wish to contact Council regarding any matter, whether it’s an enquiry, reporting an issue, making a suggestion or lodging a complaint, please use the email [email protected]